Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Please say some prayers for a dear friend...

An amazingly beautiful and wonderful mom from my October 05 birth board just went through a very tragic second trimester loss.
I really hope she doesn't mind my posting this but it's the update she just gave us....

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Yesterday morning I had my appt with my OB to discuss what course of action to take for the loss of our baby. We decided to go ahead and induce delivery. Thanks to all of you who contacted me with your experiences, it really helped me to feel comfortable about the route that we decided.
After a very long day, our son, Eli was born still at 1:04 am on February 20th. As far as we could tell he was perfect in every way. We did choose to have an autopsy/pathology completed since this is our third loss. He will then be cremated to come home with us. The hospital staff was so wonderful. They gave us so much time with him, one of the nurses has a great gift for casting so she gave us tiny castings of his feet, they took pictures for the keepsake box that they provided among other certificates and handmade items. They then actually called in a local photographer to take some black and white photos. I have to say I was blown away by the compassion of this birth center (it's the first time we'd been there as it's a relatively new hospital in the community). It was, of course, a very emotional few days but I feel very comfortable with everything that happened.
I am feeling ok. I had a lot more bleeding than they would have liked (about 2 liters as I recall) so I'm very weak and actually passed out cold this morning when I got up to move around (which totally freaked Jim out but he was able to help the nurse before I hit the ground, picking me up and plopping me on the bed.) I also ended up having to have a D&C to remove the placenta and some clotting that I had. All in all, things are going ok and we got home about 4:30 this afternoon. The kids are happy to have us home, they did fine with grandma and mom and Jim just got dinner started. I'm on pretty strict orders to not do much at all for about the next 6 weeks because of the anemia... now, if someone can just pass that message along to my kiddos, we'll be doing well.
Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.
Please keep Kristi, Jim, Karleigh, Rylan and angel baby Eli in your prayers. It would mean more to me than you can imagine!


Lauren said...

Click on "customize" which should show up next to your screen name at the top right of your blog.

You should see a "layout" of your blog... there should be a sidebar and you should see a link to "add a page element"... click on that, and there are choices for things you can add, including links.

It gets easier the more you play with it, but watch out- it's addictive! ;)

Anonymous said...

I have been keeping her in my thoughts. You to are in my thoughts! You are so strong! Congrats on the new blog!

Heather said...

Both of you are in our prayers!!!