Wednesday, February 20, 2008

30 weeks today!

Phew! Felt like I wasn't going to make it to this point!

So here's todays update for those interested!
I am still contracting regulalry but they haven't been picking up and they are anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes apart. TMI... I have started having the snotty discharge that I always get right before delivery that looks like bits of my plug. I'm not all too concerned about it though since they have really stirred things up with my cervix and because I am thinned out so much. I am pretty crampy way down low and am hoping that it's because of all the cervical checks. I will be heading to the peri in the morning at 9:45 to have my fFn (prayers for a negative would be wonderful!) and an ultrasound. Selfish me is hoping for a 3D/4D. They do them there so it would be a nice incentive to all the crud that we've been putting up with!
Little man is still very much nameless, although I am really starting to push for Lennon, as it means "Dear One". I'm sure this will change a good 800 times between now and his birth though!
Girls are doing really well at my grandparent's house. I haven't talked to them because I know that it will get Layla worked up and she will be begging to come home. I really miss them both but I know this is best given the situation. Payton is hit or miss right now on how he's taking things. I keep talking to him about how important it is that we keep his little brother in longer and last night I took him to my April board and showed him some pics of the preemies that have come already. I was reluctant to show him pics of babies with vents but I did and he was able to ask all kinds of questions. I am being as honest as possible with him and just trying really hard to prepare him for this in the case that it does happen. He didn't want to leave me today to go to school and that caused a lot of stress but we got him out the door and I now have some piece and quite.
Since I have been taken off of Terb the baby has seemed so much happier! His movements are much more intentional and smooth. When I was all medicated he was having such a hard time relaxing. It's nice to have him in a more natural state and to be able to feel him this way.
So as of yesterday when I left the hospital...
70% effaced
20mm Cervical Length (below 15mm is the point of no return)
Baby is at +1 station (head is engaged waiting for delivery)
What we're praying for...
-a negative fFn (meaning slim chance of delivery in the next 2 weeks)
-no cervical change
-contractions to remain at a minimum
-the kids to handle all of this well
-aaron to not lose what he has left of his sanity
-and for this dog gone container (my body) to hold out just a bit longer!


Heather said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! and I am excited to keep with everyone through here. Congrats on 30 wks!!!

Jules said...

Yay for a new blog! Kimm, I know you're going through the ringer, but I hope you know how strong you've been through it all. There are a lot of moms (myself included) that have been where you are, and didn't handle it nearly as well as you have. Keep your eyes on your goal, and God will bring you through it all! We're praying for you daily!
(And if you haven't already, check out

M said...

Oh I'm so glad you have this blog now. I suck at getting on bbc but I'm super eager to keep up with your sistuation nonethless.

Lots of hugs and prayers for all of you. Yeah 30 weeks! Cannot wait to celebrate 31, 32, 33, and 34 with him still tucked inside you! (Positive thinking! YEAH!)

I'm glad you have so much help and a positive medical team. Big kisses to your kidfolk too.

Lauren said...

Kimm- Praying! Do you mind if I post a link to your blog so others can come, read your story, and pray, too?

Lauren (Mustard Seed Mommy from BabyCenter)