Friday, February 22, 2008

30weeks 2days!

And still pregnant!
The girls are home and all the noise is back! Lots of chaos to say the least. Elle just really doesn't understand at all why mommy can't pick her up and is finding ways to get into situations where she thinks I HAVE to pick her up... like climbing onto the bathroom sink ;0)
Brittany just called to tell me that she is on her way here. I am thrilled to see her and my super fat, super cute nephew Zydan. I just wish that it were under better circumstances in both of our lives. She has a lot of ridiculous stuff going on as well and just needs to get away, so what better place to go than here... where things are always insane! :O)

So I am feeling about the same. A lot of pain and discomfort from the Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction which is made worse by the fact that I am idle for the most part. I am still contracting around the clock and some hurt a lot worse than others. Little man has been very quite today and I'm hoping that it's just me not noticing movement as much because life is back to normal for the most part.

We are having a pretty laid back day. Everyone is still in pjs and we are watching The Emperor's New Groove for the 3rd time. But hey, you do what you gotta do right? Hehe..


Lauren said...

We watched Blue's Room and Nemo here, and I don't have the excuse to take it easy that you have!
We've also moved the little potty upstairs to the bonus room, so Hannah is telling me if she needs to go pee instead of having accidents... it sure beats having her pee on the couch!

Heather said...

Hopefully the days will go by faster now, "hopefully" lol!