Thursday, February 21, 2008

30weeks 1day and Great News!!!!

I am still miserably pregnant! Hooray!

So I went to the peri this morning and got some fabulous news! My cervical length has actually increased and was at a nice 4cms! The dr kept checking it over and over and over again just to be on the safe side. The baby looks absolutely fabulous and things are the same as Tuesday with the exception of a longer cervical length. He decided that he wasn't even going to run the fFn and just threw the test in the trash! He is VERY confident that we will make it at least another 6 weeks but said that it's going to be a really long and rough road getting there. I will probably continue to contract the way that I have been and we just need to keep a really close eye on things. He also said that he fully expects to have one more big scare before he's born but he is really confident that I will get to be miserable for a good deal longer I am completely ok with that though! If me being miserable means that my "scrawny little white boy" gets to bake longer, then so be it! Dr. Wheeler referred to him as a "scrawny little white boy" because white boys tend to not do as well when born prematurely as white girls, regardless of their size. And he's not really scrawny... he's got some chubby, chubby cheeks! We did get to see him in 3D today. Didn't get any good pics though because of his position but he looks so much like Elle!

So, at this point I am continuing to take my Procardia and he put my on Tylenol 3 every 8 hours.

All in all, things were much better today than expected. I will now being seeing both my regular OB and the peri until I hit 35/36 weeks and get the ok to deliver here in town.

Hip Hip Hooray for a FABULOUS DAY!
Of course we all know that things can change in the blink of an eye but I truly believe with the power of prayer and a great, proactive medical staff that we can make it through this!

Now I'm ready for a nap!

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