Friday, February 29, 2008

31weeks 2days

And still plugging along...
We did have a scare yesterday and had a short (thank God) trip to our local hospital for monitoring. My contractions became very consistent at 2 to 4 minutes apart and I started to have a significant amount of back pain. My sister in law and nephew took me to the hospital while my best friend Megan stayed here with all the kids (she has 3 as well). Thankfully it was a very short stay since my cervix hadn't changed "much", but it was exhausting none the less. I swear, walking into that place wipes me out!

My sister in law, Reagan, offered to keep the girls this afternoon while Payton was at school. It was wonderful to get a nap, even if it was interrupted by the phone. Tonight I think I'm going to have Aaron get a hospital bag ready so that we don't play the rush around game every time I have to go in. Besides, the superstition in me says that if we are "ready" then nothing will really happen. I just know that if we go to the hospital completely unprepared that we'll end up having a baby and feel all out of wack.
My birthday is on Sunday so here's hoping to an uneventful weekend!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

31 Weeks!!! Yay!

We hit 31 weeks today! My contractions are still 15-20 minutes apart and holding pretty steady there. I went in to my regular OB yesterday and we discussed when to stop the Procardia. At first he said that we could stop them at 35 weeks but then he changed his mind and told me to continue to 36 weeks. I am much more comfortable waiting until 36 weeks, so only 5 weeks to go until we go off the meds and see what happens! With our luck we'll end up going all the way to our due date or beyond.... But I REALLY don't think I can grow anymore than I already have! My stomach is gigantic! Today I was asked how overdue I was.... SOB! I think I really threw the lady off when I told her that I technically had 9 more weeks to go!
So things are about the same. I feel all the nesting coming on but it really stinks that I can't do much about it. I think Aaron has caught the nesting bug as well though so hopefully we can work together to get some stuff done... but with me sitting on my rear of course!
I'm off to bed! Good night!

Monday, February 25, 2008

30weeks 5days

Almost another week down! We'll hit 31 weeks on Wednesday, hooray!
I go see Dr. Pitts tomorrow afternoon and will be repeating my gestational diabetes test since my hospital visit last weekend indicated that I'm having some sugar issues. I am feeling a bit better and my contractions are remaining at 15-20 minutes apart which is nice. I'm sure I will have a cervical check tomorrow so that we have an idea as to whether these contractions are causing any more change.
So no real news here at this point. I will update after my appointment tomorrow.

Friday, February 22, 2008

30weeks 2days!

And still pregnant!
The girls are home and all the noise is back! Lots of chaos to say the least. Elle just really doesn't understand at all why mommy can't pick her up and is finding ways to get into situations where she thinks I HAVE to pick her up... like climbing onto the bathroom sink ;0)
Brittany just called to tell me that she is on her way here. I am thrilled to see her and my super fat, super cute nephew Zydan. I just wish that it were under better circumstances in both of our lives. She has a lot of ridiculous stuff going on as well and just needs to get away, so what better place to go than here... where things are always insane! :O)

So I am feeling about the same. A lot of pain and discomfort from the Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction which is made worse by the fact that I am idle for the most part. I am still contracting around the clock and some hurt a lot worse than others. Little man has been very quite today and I'm hoping that it's just me not noticing movement as much because life is back to normal for the most part.

We are having a pretty laid back day. Everyone is still in pjs and we are watching The Emperor's New Groove for the 3rd time. But hey, you do what you gotta do right? Hehe..

Thursday, February 21, 2008

30weeks 1day and Great News!!!!

I am still miserably pregnant! Hooray!

So I went to the peri this morning and got some fabulous news! My cervical length has actually increased and was at a nice 4cms! The dr kept checking it over and over and over again just to be on the safe side. The baby looks absolutely fabulous and things are the same as Tuesday with the exception of a longer cervical length. He decided that he wasn't even going to run the fFn and just threw the test in the trash! He is VERY confident that we will make it at least another 6 weeks but said that it's going to be a really long and rough road getting there. I will probably continue to contract the way that I have been and we just need to keep a really close eye on things. He also said that he fully expects to have one more big scare before he's born but he is really confident that I will get to be miserable for a good deal longer I am completely ok with that though! If me being miserable means that my "scrawny little white boy" gets to bake longer, then so be it! Dr. Wheeler referred to him as a "scrawny little white boy" because white boys tend to not do as well when born prematurely as white girls, regardless of their size. And he's not really scrawny... he's got some chubby, chubby cheeks! We did get to see him in 3D today. Didn't get any good pics though because of his position but he looks so much like Elle!

So, at this point I am continuing to take my Procardia and he put my on Tylenol 3 every 8 hours.

All in all, things were much better today than expected. I will now being seeing both my regular OB and the peri until I hit 35/36 weeks and get the ok to deliver here in town.

Hip Hip Hooray for a FABULOUS DAY!
Of course we all know that things can change in the blink of an eye but I truly believe with the power of prayer and a great, proactive medical staff that we can make it through this!

Now I'm ready for a nap!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Please say some prayers for a dear friend...

An amazingly beautiful and wonderful mom from my October 05 birth board just went through a very tragic second trimester loss.
I really hope she doesn't mind my posting this but it's the update she just gave us....

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Yesterday morning I had my appt with my OB to discuss what course of action to take for the loss of our baby. We decided to go ahead and induce delivery. Thanks to all of you who contacted me with your experiences, it really helped me to feel comfortable about the route that we decided.
After a very long day, our son, Eli was born still at 1:04 am on February 20th. As far as we could tell he was perfect in every way. We did choose to have an autopsy/pathology completed since this is our third loss. He will then be cremated to come home with us. The hospital staff was so wonderful. They gave us so much time with him, one of the nurses has a great gift for casting so she gave us tiny castings of his feet, they took pictures for the keepsake box that they provided among other certificates and handmade items. They then actually called in a local photographer to take some black and white photos. I have to say I was blown away by the compassion of this birth center (it's the first time we'd been there as it's a relatively new hospital in the community). It was, of course, a very emotional few days but I feel very comfortable with everything that happened.
I am feeling ok. I had a lot more bleeding than they would have liked (about 2 liters as I recall) so I'm very weak and actually passed out cold this morning when I got up to move around (which totally freaked Jim out but he was able to help the nurse before I hit the ground, picking me up and plopping me on the bed.) I also ended up having to have a D&C to remove the placenta and some clotting that I had. All in all, things are going ok and we got home about 4:30 this afternoon. The kids are happy to have us home, they did fine with grandma and mom and Jim just got dinner started. I'm on pretty strict orders to not do much at all for about the next 6 weeks because of the anemia... now, if someone can just pass that message along to my kiddos, we'll be doing well.
Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.
Please keep Kristi, Jim, Karleigh, Rylan and angel baby Eli in your prayers. It would mean more to me than you can imagine!

30 weeks today!

Phew! Felt like I wasn't going to make it to this point!

So here's todays update for those interested!
I am still contracting regulalry but they haven't been picking up and they are anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes apart. TMI... I have started having the snotty discharge that I always get right before delivery that looks like bits of my plug. I'm not all too concerned about it though since they have really stirred things up with my cervix and because I am thinned out so much. I am pretty crampy way down low and am hoping that it's because of all the cervical checks. I will be heading to the peri in the morning at 9:45 to have my fFn (prayers for a negative would be wonderful!) and an ultrasound. Selfish me is hoping for a 3D/4D. They do them there so it would be a nice incentive to all the crud that we've been putting up with!
Little man is still very much nameless, although I am really starting to push for Lennon, as it means "Dear One". I'm sure this will change a good 800 times between now and his birth though!
Girls are doing really well at my grandparent's house. I haven't talked to them because I know that it will get Layla worked up and she will be begging to come home. I really miss them both but I know this is best given the situation. Payton is hit or miss right now on how he's taking things. I keep talking to him about how important it is that we keep his little brother in longer and last night I took him to my April board and showed him some pics of the preemies that have come already. I was reluctant to show him pics of babies with vents but I did and he was able to ask all kinds of questions. I am being as honest as possible with him and just trying really hard to prepare him for this in the case that it does happen. He didn't want to leave me today to go to school and that caused a lot of stress but we got him out the door and I now have some piece and quite.
Since I have been taken off of Terb the baby has seemed so much happier! His movements are much more intentional and smooth. When I was all medicated he was having such a hard time relaxing. It's nice to have him in a more natural state and to be able to feel him this way.
So as of yesterday when I left the hospital...
70% effaced
20mm Cervical Length (below 15mm is the point of no return)
Baby is at +1 station (head is engaged waiting for delivery)
What we're praying for...
-a negative fFn (meaning slim chance of delivery in the next 2 weeks)
-no cervical change
-contractions to remain at a minimum
-the kids to handle all of this well
-aaron to not lose what he has left of his sanity
-and for this dog gone container (my body) to hold out just a bit longer!