Saturday, June 13, 2009

Weekend Update!

A new baby!
6 week old bundle of fluff.
Also known as Bridget :)
Super cuddly, amazingly soft and oh so cute!

Super yummy farm fresh eggs.

From a super, amazing momma and friend.

Filled with Omega 3's and lots of love!


ashley black said...

Where did you get your cute!

kimm said...

We got her from a rabbitry in South Bend. Layla is getting involved in 4H so we decided to get one this summer to get her used to being handled by us and to get Layla used to handling her. We would like to breed her at least once. Want a bunny in about 6 months?? ;)

ashley black said...

yeah, let me know if you have baby bunnies, Ill try to talk my hubby into it!