Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Cohen Curtis Silveus!

After spending the day with a ton of pelvic pressure, I made my way to the dr to be checked after I voted in the primaries. It was determined that I was definitely in labor and was 5cms. Once the contractions picked up I was to head to the hospital. I ventured home with the girls and decided to start cleaning the house. Well I didn't get very far with that as the contractions picked up in speed and intensity and were lasting much longer. Aaron came home and we got the kids to my parent's house and arrived at the hospital at 4pm. I spent the next several hours laboring on the birthing ball and the edge of the bed. At about 7pm the dr ordered an ultrasound to check on my fluid levels, Cohen's size and his position because he was not engaging at all. It was quickly determined that I would not be able to deliver him vaginally due to all the mentioned factors. My fluid levels were high which gave him too much room to swim around. His weight was estimated to be 9lbs 12oz and although he was head down he was turned at a funny angle. We tried several techniques to encourage him to engage and it just wasn't happening. At quarter til 10 on May 6th I was wheeled into the operating room and at 10:03 Cohen Curtis entered the world peeing all over the nurses :O)

9lbs 8oz - 22 inches - 14.5 inch head

Cohen is absolutely amazing in every way. He looks just like his big sister Elle and is nursing like a champ. I am just now regaining feeling from my spinal block and am hoping to be up and moving around soon.

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